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One has got to believe in the World being merrier, if more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold. Amidst this corrupt life, Where would you find the sheer calmness, the feeling of 'everything falling into its place' ? I see food, good food coming to the rescue. Call it an exaggeration, but you wouldn't think twice before following my lead, when I'll ask you to imagine yourself having your favourite food/dish amidst a busy, hasty day! See, there you have it. You just thought of your favorite food (many must have imagined a whole spread for themselves), and you better have it after being done reading the text!

SWe get to be one of the two choices; People who 'eat to live' and people who 'live to eat' The latter are the people who consider a day wasted if they didnt get to try something new, that is how they feel for food and life, it's intertwined for them.

Food is such a basic element of our lives, we probably never remember to devour it with appreciation on our tongues and smile on our faces. But good food sure does know its work, smile or no smile, it really can calm the inner storm. Belonging to a tradition where nothing could be started, let alone getting it done, on an empty stomach, always gave an idea of its cruciality.

Yet the only thing related to it, that you might hate at some point are Cravings! What is with them? They are untimely and cruel. You need a whole another level of courage to fight them or you could just weigh the situation and give the ransom your tummy is asking for to set free your happiness, even if it is floating.

There is this famous saying; An empty pocket and an empty stomach teach you a lot of things. Well, it is quite true. The one who has never been hungry will never understand how it feels to want something and not have it especially when you have an empty stomach. Same is the case when we are full, we wouldn't even taste our favourite dish but when we are hungry, we will eat whatever we are offered.

Apart from the fact that, whatever we eat, it gives us energy to sustain and work, everyone has a preference of his or her own, and these preferences rule their habits. Imagine yourself with a hard choice, like choosing between a chocolate cake or a chocolate doughnut. You be your own judge but it could push me into disarray! Nevertheless, choices given by life cannot necessarily be as sweet as these two. We lose out on health many a times when we choose to please our taste buds. And believe it or not but your food habits are the ones giving shape to your other habits. When we pick our meals for a day, we never really assess the nutritional value of our selections. We are too busy getting it all done, that taking out time for meals on time is an issue in the first place. We need super foods, foods that are natural and are not corrupted by chemicals which are hard to pronounce even! Did you think of 'Organic' ? If, then add a score. It sounds a cliche but one does not need to be reminded of its goodness. You know it, we know it, then what is hindering it from becoming your pick? The myths attached to it maybe, which need to be busted. First off, we need to bring that person down who started the whole "organic is an elite thing" rumour because clearly he doesn't know that at some point in time 'All food were organic' It is all just a revival, a coming back to the real, the pure. Good habits should not be kept from creeping into your lifestyle. And you must know, that your favourite comfort food, healthy or not, is always going to be there at the shelf for those gloomy days to give a little cheat day on your healthy choices. Until then, keep picking the goodness and remember Anthony Bourdain's words: "Good food is very often, even most often, simple food."